Cases filed with the Bureau of Planning prior to November 30, 2009 cannot be searched on this site. Please contact Planning at 404-330-6145 for needed information.
Enter information below to search the City's database. Planning cases can be searched for by entering any of the following information:
· Site Address
· Parcel Number
· Case Information (Case Number, Case Type, Date Submitted)
Use the dropdown menu to change the Search type.
1. The date ranges provided are by default; if your search returns no results you
can increase the date range to include your case.
Search results will be displayed at the bottom of the page and details can be viewed by any of the following ways:
1. If you would like to view the search results on a map, please select "Show on Map"
box located on the upper-right of the list.
2. From the map, you can click on the project tag to see "More Info", or directly click
on the Case Number in the list to view Status, Details, Workflow, etc.