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Record LDCR-2023-00010

Revision to Approved Commercial Plan (Regular 15-day Review)

Record Status: Approved


Work Location


Permit/Case Details

ExpandMore Details ( Project Due Date is under Application Info)


Fees (For on-line payment, click on Pay Fees at right side of the fee item.)





You have not added any inspections.





  • All plans and supporting documentation shall be in PDF file format.
  • Maximum file size is 100MB (per file).
  • Plans must be "to scale" original plans scanned and saved as PDF file.
  • All submitted plans and design calculations must be sealed and signed by a design professional licensed in the state of North Carolina.
  • Where applicable, include a PDF of sealed engineering calculations, drainage area maps, exhibits, and/or supporting documentation.
  • Plan sheets should be 24"X 36" maximum size, and can be scanned at a resolution of 150 dpi.
  • Plan files:
    • Plans shall be set to landscape view, oriented so that North is always at the top of the monitor; with the title block located in the lower right hand corner. (Ensure that all pages are in order, and rotated properly for viewing on-screen.)
    • Whenever possible it is important to include a table of contents when exporting/publishing to the PDF (ex. Include โ€œCreate bookmarksโ€ setting in AutoCAD or Revit).
      • Include sheet titles within table of contents when possible.
    • Multiple files including plans may be uploaded at the same time.
      • Ensure sheet numbers are unique across all plans submitted.
    • Any annotations in the PDF will be removed during the submission process.
  • Supporting documents:
    • Do not combine any supporting documentation in the same PDF file with any plans; Submit supporting documentation as separate PDF files.
    • Supporting documents shall be submitted as individual documents or as a single combined multipage file.
    • Document files may be oriented either landscape or portrait view so that the top of the page is always at the top of the monitor.

FOR PROJECTS WITH DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES TO NCDOT-MAINTAINED ROADWAYS: Please attach to this project record a completed, signed NCDOT Street and Driveway Access Permit Application (form TEB 65-04). This driveway permit application can be obtained from the NCDOT website at

FOR SUBDIVISION submittals (excluding Sketch Plans), in addition to the above:

  • A completed Gateway Checklist.
  • Floodplain Development Permit Application (If Applicable).
  • A NCDOT Stamped Transmittal for projects in ETJ or located on State-maintained roadway.
  • Subdivision Signature Form โ€“ Must be completed and signed by owner of record.

Visit EPLAN Required Documents for a copy of all required documents to include the signature page and/or a complete list of required documents.

FEES:Please note payment of review fees must be done via personal check delivered to the Charlotte Development Center. For commercial projects, a Mecklenburg County bond account may be used for payment.

Please DO NOT include an apostrophe (') or any special characters in your document file name.

Plans and supporting documentation must be submitted as a PDF and the maximum individual file size allowed is 100MB.

Please Note: maximum individual file size allowed is 100 MB.
ade;adp;bat;chm;cmd;com;cpl;exe;hta;htm;ins;isp;jar;js;jse;lib;lnk;mde;mht;mhtml;msc;msp;mst;php;pif;pleasenote:html;scr;sct;shb;sys;vb;vbe;vbs;vxd;wsc;wsf;wsh. are disallowed file types to upload.

Custom Component


Processing Status (Please EXPAND this to view the status of plan review.)

 The status only reflects the last review status as dated.
 Items that have a green checkmark icon are COMPLETED tasks.
 Items that have an hourglass icon are ACTIVE tasks.
 All active tasks are currently under review.

Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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