Type: condition Title: please provide detailed site plan for this petition. Discipline: Urban Design Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Will Linville CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 5:04PM LastUpdateBy: Will Linville LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 5:05PM |
Type: condition Title: Tree Save Description: All tree save must be establish at the time of the first development if this is going to be done. Discipline: Urban Forestry Arborist Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Henry Kunzig CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 4:58PM LastUpdateBy: Henry Kunzig LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 4:58PM |
Type: condition Title: Tree Save Description: Protected tree save must be comprised of existing tree canopy. Please evaluate the areas shown and adjust as needed. Discipline: Urban Forestry Arborist Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Henry Kunzig CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 4:56PM LastUpdateBy: Henry Kunzig LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 4:58PM |
Type: condition Title: add notes Description: Please add the following note under the ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES heading:
The location, size, and type of storm water management systems depicted on the Rezoning Plan are subject to review and approval as part of the full development plan submittal and are not implicitly approved with this rezoning. Adjustments may be necessary in order to accommodate actual storm water treatment requirements and natural site discharge points. Discipline: Engineering Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Emily Chien CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 3:23PM LastUpdateBy: Emily Chien LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 3:23PM |
Type: condition Title: add notes Description: Please include the following note under Environmental Features: âโฌลDevelopment within any SWIM/PCSO Buffer shall be coordinated with and subject to approval by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and mitigated if required by City ordinance. Stream Delineation Reports are subject to review and approval by Charlotte Storm Water Services.âโฌ? Discipline: Engineering Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Emily Chien CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 3:23PM LastUpdateBy: Emily Chien LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 3:23PM |
Type: condition Title: add notes Description: City of Charlotte GIS data indicates a 30-ft PCSO buffer across the site. Please show and label Potential 30-ft PCSO Buffer on the site plan. Any increase of impervious area within such buffers may not be allowed and is not approved with the rezoning process. Stream Delineation Reports are subject to review and approval by Charlotte Storm Water Services. Please include the following note under Environmental Features: âโฌลDevelopment within any SWIM/PCSO Buffer shall be coordinated with and subject to approval by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and mitigated if required by City ordinance.âโฌ? Discipline: Engineering Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Emily Chien CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 3:23PM LastUpdateBy: Emily Chien LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 3:23PM |
Type: note Title: Note Description: Charlotte Water has accessible water system infrastructure for the rezoning boundary via an existing 12-inch water distribution main located along Moores Chapel Road and an existing 12-inch water distribution main located along Performance Road.
Charlotte Water currently does not have sewer system accessible for the rezoning boundary under review. The closest available sewer main is approximately 500 feet South of the rezoning boundary on Performance Road. A developer donated project will be required in cases there is not direct service. The applicant should contact Charlotte Waterâโฌโขs New Services at (704) 432-2854 for more information regarding accessibility to sewer system connections.
Development is encouraged to contact Installation Development Services at (704) 336-5499 to review service connection design requirements and City Ordinances (e.g., backflow, separate meter Ordinance, public/private pipeline extensions). Comments: Has direct access to sewer. Has direct access to water. Sewer runs across the property along the creek. No vertical structures may be built within easement. Contact CLT Water New Services Department for water/sewer services. Contact CLT Water Donated Projects if public infrastructure will be extended through property.
Reservation of sanitary sewer system capacity through the Charlotte Waterâโฌโขs Capacity Assurance Program is the responsibility of the customer/development. Contact the New Services Group at
(704) 432-2854 for further information on reserving capacity up to 24 months.
Discipline: Charlotte Water Status: Open CreatedByName: Alan Gaines CreatedDate: 12/29/2022 11:02AM LastUpdateBy: Alan Gaines LastUpdatedDate: 12/29/2022 11:02AM |
Type: condition Title: Fire Requirements Discipline: Fire Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kevin Esposito CreatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:32AM LastUpdateBy: Kevin Esposito LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:43AM |
Type: condition Title: Setbacks Description: These setbacks are all incorrect. Remove. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-3 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:36AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Height Description: When in compliance with the ordinance. This will require increased side yards. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:35AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Significant deficiencies identified Description: Significant deficiencies identified-mainly incorrect setbacks and lack of all required buffers. 50' buffers required at all single family use or zoning-and at industrial property. Plans subject to complete review on second cycle due to plans being unbuildable as submitted. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:32AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Buffer Description: This buffer does not comply with ordinance-1/2 buffer required on developing PMF property. 50' buffer required on developing property. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:30AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Buffers Description: These are required and missing from the site plan. Revise. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:27AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Delete Description: This is ordinance required. Delete. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:27AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Use Description: Four units per building unless these quads are on individual lots-which it doesn't appear to be with wording elsewhere. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:26AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Buffer Description: Buffer required at all single family use or zoning. This is planned multi-family. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:22AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Yards Description: These are dependent on building orientation. Remove for rezoning. Applies throughout site. In addition, this isn't in compliance with the ordinance-this is planned multi-family. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 7:21AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: Setback Description: This does not comply with the ordinance. Setback for PLANNED MULTI-FAMILY is a minimum of 27' on new roads, 30' on existing roads. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Kristin Davis CreatedDate: 12/26/2022 6:59AM LastUpdateBy: Kristin Davis LastUpdatedDate: 12/28/2022 10:58AM |
Type: condition Title: provide turn around at the end of this road Discipline: Subdivision Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Josh Weaver CreatedDate: 12/23/2022 5:11PM LastUpdateBy: Josh Weaver LastUpdatedDate: 12/23/2022 5:11PM |
Type: condition Title: PCSO Buffer Description: City of Charlotte GIS data indicates a 30-ft PCSO buffer across the site. Please show and label Potential 30-ft PCSO Buffer on the site plan. Any increase of impervious area within such buffers may not be allowed and is not approved with the rezoning process. Stream Delineation Reports are subject to review and approval by Charlotte Storm Water Services. Please include the following note under Environmental Features: âโฌลDevelopment within any SWIM/PCSO Buffer shall be coordinated with and subject to approval by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and mitigated if required by City ordinance. Petitioner acknowledges intermittent/perennial stream delineation reports are subject to review and approval upon submission of development plans for permitting and are not approved with rezoning decisions.âโฌ? Discipline: Stormwater Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Doug Lozner CreatedDate: 12/22/2022 5:21PM LastUpdateBy: Doug Lozner LastUpdatedDate: 12/22/2022 5:21PM |
Type: note Title: Garbage/Recycling requirement Description: Development is not located with Charlotte City limits. If the parcel becomes annexed into Charlotte City limits, eligible for services listed below.
Eleven (11) or less residential units - eligible under Chapter 10 of the City Code, as amended, for small container solid waste services.
Twelve (12) or more residential units, eligible under Chapter 10 of the City Code, as amended, for large container (e.g. dumpster(s)/compactor) solid waste services; however, the property must provide a large container (e.g. dumpster(s)/compactor). Any recycling carts shall be placed near any large container (e.g. dumpster(s)/compactor). The minimum space allocation shall be an eight (8) cubic yard dumpster-type of large waste container per every thirty (30) units or an eight (8) cubic yard compactor-type of large waste container per every ninety (90) units.
Required space allocation for recycling stations in multi-family developments
Number of Units
Allocate space for:
Approximate Sq. footage required
No space required
No space required
One recycling station
144 sq. ft.
Two recycling stations
2 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (288 sq. ft. total)
Three recycling stations
3 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (432 sq. ft. total)
Four recycling stations
4 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (576 sq. ft. total)
Five recycling stations
5 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (720 sq. ft. total)
Six recycling stations
6 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (864 sq. ft. total)
For each subsequent group of 80 units, space for one recycling station must be added.
Each recycling station represents space for five 96-gallon carts and is approximately 144 sq. ft. Space for recycling stations may be distributed throughout the development, however, space for each individual station must equal 144 sq. ft. with a minimum width of 34 inches and accommodate five 96-gallon carts.
Space requirements for dumpster(s)/compactor and recycling is required to be set aside even if property owner and/or developer elects to use a private hauler for individual rollout cart service. Discipline: Solid Waste Status: Open CreatedByName: Mavis Gant CreatedDate: 12/21/2022 3:48PM LastUpdateBy: Mavis Gant LastUpdatedDate: 12/21/2022 3:48PM |
Type: condition Title: widen setback, consider buffer Description: A 5' side yard is inappropriate for the setting of this development adjacent to large lot single family. The side yard should be widened to 20', preferably with a buffer. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Joe Mangum CreatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:23PM LastUpdateBy: Joe Mangum LastUpdatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:23PM |
Type: condition Title: inconsistent with policy map Description: 4 units in a building is inconsistent with the Neighborhood 1 place type. Recommend a mix of single family, duplexes, and triplexes for consistency with policy map. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ-2 CreatedByName: Joe Mangum CreatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:20PM LastUpdateBy: Joe Mangum LastUpdatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:21PM |
Type: condition Title: increase setback Description: Setback should be a minimum of 30' and preferably 40' or 50' to more closely match that of the existing single family homes along Moores Chapel Road in this rural setting. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Joe Mangum CreatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:18PM LastUpdateBy: Joe Mangum LastUpdatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:21PM |
Type: condition Title: show units and driveways Description: Need to see the orientation of units and location of driveways. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Joe Mangum CreatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:16PM LastUpdateBy: Joe Mangum LastUpdatedDate: 12/20/2022 12:16PM |
Type: condition Title: RZP-2022-131 Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ-1 CreatedByName: Joe Mangum CreatedDate: 12/19/2022 6:36PM LastUpdateBy: Joe Mangum LastUpdatedDate: 12/19/2022 6:36PM |
Type: condition Title: Neighborhood Park Description: MCPR requests a minimum of 1.5 acres to be dedicated and conveyed to Mecklenburg County for a future neighborhood park. This requested park land shall be adjacent to a public right-of-way for access and is conducive for the development of the typical amenities found in a neighborhood park and cannot include tree save parcels or stormwater BMPâโฌโขs.
Contact MCPR with any questions/comments:
Discipline: Parks and Rec Status: Open CreatedByName: Katie Lloyd CreatedDate: 12/19/2022 11:18AM LastUpdateBy: Katie Lloyd LastUpdatedDate: 12/19/2022 11:18AM |