Type: note Title: CLTW Note Description: Summary: Only Water is accessible for this rezoning boundary. The proposed rezoning is located in an area that Charlotte Water has determined to have limited sanitary sewer system capacity. It is recommended that the applicant contact the Charlotte Water New Services at (704) 432-2854 for further information and to discuss options regarding sanitary sewer system capacity.
Charlotte Water has accessible water system infrastructure for the rezoning boundary via an existing 6-inch water distribution main located along Haverhill Dr, an existing 8-inch water distribution main on Scaleybark Rd, and an existing 6-inch water distribution main on Applegate Rd.
The proposed rezoning has the potential to significantly impact the capacity of the local sanitary sewer collection system. A Willingness to Serve application has been received and is currently under review. Correspondence will be maintained with the applicant. It is recommended that the applicant contact the Charlotte Water New Services at (704) 432-2854 for further information and to discuss options regarding sanitary sewer system capacity.
Additional Comments
Development is encouraged to contact Installation Development Services (IDS) at (704) 336-5499 to review service connection design requirements and City Ordinances (e.g., backflow, separate meter Ordinance, public/private pipeline extensions Contact CLT Water New Services Department for water/sewer services. Contact CLT Water Donated Projects if public infrastructure will be extended through property. Will need to send plans to Charlotte Water for private water permitting (if applicable). Will need to send plans to NCDEQ for private sewer permitting (if applicable). Comments: Will need to acquire CAP. Site has direct access to water/sewer.
Reservation of sanitary sewer system capacity through the Charlotte Waterâโฌโขs Capacity Assurance Program is the responsibility of the customer/development. Contact the New Services Group at
(704) 432-2854 for further information on reserving capacity up to 24 months.
This sheet indicates the findings of a cursory review of Utilities System Information for the presence or absence of public water or wastewater infrastructure only. The findings do not imply available capacity in water and sanitary sewer lines, pump stations, or treatment facilities. Reservation of capacity is achieved through the Charlotte Waterâโฌโขs Capacity Assurance Program
Discipline: Charlotte Water Status: Open CreatedByName: Alan Gaines CreatedDate: 3/28/2023 2:07PM LastUpdateBy: Alan Gaines LastUpdatedDate: 3/28/2023 2:07PM |
Type: condition Title: Height - update/remove Description: Maximum height without a bonus is 75'. Maximum height within 200' of single-family zoning is 65'. Maximum height regulations cannot be modified through a rezoning. Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Kirsty Sanchez CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 3:51PM LastUpdateBy: Kirsty Sanchez LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 3:56PM |
Type: condition Title: pocket parks Description: Clarify. Are these required? Are they potential locations? If these are being committed, provide more detail - minimum area for each. If not, recommend removing pocket parks from exhibit and adding note that open space will be provided per TOD requirements Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Kirsty Sanchez CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 2:26PM LastUpdateBy: Kirsty Sanchez LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 3:59PM |
Type: condition Title: clarify Description: Max parking for TOD-NC multifamily residential uses is 1.1 spaces per bedroom. For single-family attached (units for sale), no limit on enclosed/garage spaces, 1 space unenclosed on site Discipline: LD Zoning Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Kirsty Sanchez CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 2:24PM LastUpdateBy: Kirsty Sanchez LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 3:52PM |
Type: condition Title: Pocket Parks Description: Are these pocket parks accessible to the general neighborhood? If we presume they are- what sort of pedestrian connectivity is being created to give access?
Give more detail on the size of the pocket parks, whether they are amenitized, etc. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:40PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:40PM |
Type: condition Title: Max Height w/ Bonus Description: Clarify in the notes that anything beyond 75' would be achieved with bonus provisions (staff is still unsupportive of 85' though) Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:39PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:39PM |
Type: condition Title: Add Petition Number Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:38PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:39PM |
Type: condition Title: Setback Against MF Description: Is there no setback being committed to against the MF uses/zoning? Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:37PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:37PM |
Type: condition Title: Side Setbacks Against SF Description: The 20' side setbacks may not be ample enough- but it is impossible to know without greater detail overall on the uses, potential building footprints, etc. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:36PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:36PM |
Type: condition Title: Uses Description: Is there a minimum amount of non-residential uses that would be on the site? Or would it be almost entirely residential? Unsure of the intent here. Greater specificity is needed given the N1 Place Type and that it is almost entirely surrounded by SF uses. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:33PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:33PM |
Type: condition Title: Building Forms Description: Uses should probably be limited to SF attached along all boundaries to existing SF, not just along Scaleybark Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:30PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:30PM |
Type: condition Title: Height Transition Against MF Description: Are there height transitions against the MF uses/zoned areas? Many of those existing structures as far as I can tell are all one to two stories. Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:22PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:25PM |
Type: condition Title: Max Height Detail Description: Include in here the actual max height being proposed (seems like 85') Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:20PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:20PM |
Type: condition Title: Add Petition Number Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:19PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:19PM |
Type: condition Title: 85' Max Height Description: 85' is too much, additionally it needs to be shown on the site plan where this max height would be reached Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:18PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:18PM |
Type: condition Title: Height Caps Description: Show on the site plan how far into the development areas the height caps extend to give a better visual Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:17PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:17PM |
Type: condition Title: Proposed Uses Description: Identify specific uses that each development area would allow Discipline: Entitlement Services Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Holly Cramer CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:16PM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:16PM |
Type: condition Title: Label Description: Please label as public r/w Discipline: Subdivision Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Josh Weaver CreatedDate: 3/23/2023 11:47AM LastUpdateBy: Josh Weaver LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 11:48AM |
Type: condition Title: POCKET PARKS Description: pocket parks are great as long as they are paid special attention and amenitized in a way that residents will use. I am not convinced that mirrored pocket parks along scaleybark make sense. Perhaps they can be more centralized? I'd have to see more detail to weigh in further. Additionally, I am not seeing a min. SF for park space on the plan. Discipline: Urban Design Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Will Linville CreatedDate: 3/22/2023 2:58PM LastUpdateBy: Will Linville LastUpdatedDate: 3/22/2023 2:58PM |
Type: condition Title: requests more detail to site plan. Discipline: Urban Design Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Will Linville CreatedDate: 3/22/2023 2:55PM LastUpdateBy: Will Linville LastUpdatedDate: 3/22/2023 2:55PM |
Type: condition Title: PCSO Description: Please include the following note under âโฌลEnvironmental Features:âโฌ? The petitioner shall comply with the Charlotte City Council approved and adopted Post Construction Stormwater Ordinance. Discipline: Stormwater Status: Open CreatedByName: Keith Schell CreatedDate: 3/22/2023 11:55AM LastUpdateBy: Holly Cramer LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 1:14PM |
Type: condition Title: existing storm easement Description: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services has permanent storm drainage easements (SDE) on the parcels for this rezoning request. These easements can be found in map book 25648 pages 540-548. No buildings or structures are permitted over and across these easements. Please show the SDE limits on the rezoning site plan and adjust the site plan as necessary to remove encroachments. Private development use of the stormwater control measure within the SDE to meet PCSO requirements will not be permitted. Discipline: Stormwater Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Keith Schell CreatedDate: 3/22/2023 11:49AM LastUpdateBy: Keith Schell LastUpdatedDate: 3/23/2023 9:35PM |
Type: condition Title: Hose Pulls Description: Fire apparatus access roads shall be within 200 feet of all exterior walls of sprinkled buildings and 150 feet of all exterior walls of non-sprinkled buildings. Measurements of hose pull SHALL start from road access / lane of travel, not from a parking spot or back of curb. Discipline: Fire Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Kevin Esposito CreatedDate: 3/15/2023 1:53PM LastUpdateBy: Kevin Esposito LastUpdatedDate: 3/15/2023 2:23PM |
Type: condition Title: Fire Access Description: Public Street A shows a future connection, but adjoining property has a building in-line with proposed connection, where / what will this be connected to? Discipline: Fire Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Kevin Esposito CreatedDate: 3/15/2023 1:52PM LastUpdateBy: Kevin Esposito LastUpdatedDate: 3/15/2023 2:23PM |
Type: condition Title: Tree Ordinance Description: Include a note stating that this project will comply with the tree ordinance. Discipline: Urban Forestry Arborist Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Henry Kunzig CreatedDate: 3/10/2023 11:32AM LastUpdateBy: Henry Kunzig LastUpdatedDate: 3/10/2023 11:33AM |
Type: condition Title: ROW Trees Description: All applications for grading, building, demolition, land use, change of use or rezoning permits on all property, except single-family development shall require a tree survey. The survey shall identify all trees of eight-inch dbh or greater and all planted trees of two-inch caliper or greater and six feet in height that grow partially or wholly within the city right-of-way. Discipline: Urban Forestry Arborist Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Henry Kunzig CreatedDate: 3/10/2023 11:32AM LastUpdateBy: Henry Kunzig LastUpdatedDate: 3/10/2023 11:33AM |
Type: condition Title: Tree Save Description: Site is reqired to provide a min of 15% undistrubed tree save or replanted tree save at a rate of 150% of what was distrubed Discipline: Urban Forestry Arborist Status: Open Target: RZ1.00 CreatedByName: Henry Kunzig CreatedDate: 3/10/2023 11:30AM LastUpdateBy: Henry Kunzig LastUpdatedDate: 3/10/2023 11:33AM |
Type: condition Title: Garbage/Recycle Description: Eleven (11) or less residential units - eligible under Chapter 10 of the City Code, as amended, for small container solid waste services.
Twelve (12) or more residential units, eligible under Chapter 10 of the City Code, as amended, for large container (e.g. dumpster(s)/compactor) solid waste services; however, the property must provide a large container (e.g. dumpster(s)/compactor). Any recycling carts shall be placed near any large container (e.g. dumpster(s)/compactor). The minimum space allocation shall be an eight (8) cubic yard dumpster-type of large waste container per every thirty (30) units or an eight (8) cubic yard compactor-type of large waste container per every ninety (90) units.
Required space allocation for recycling stations in multi-family developments
Number of Units
Allocate space for:
Approximate Sq. footage required
No space required
No space required
One recycling station
144 sq. ft.
Two recycling stations
2 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (288 sq. ft. total)
Three recycling stations
3 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (432 sq. ft. total)
Four recycling stations
4 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (576 sq. ft. total)
Five recycling stations
5 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (720 sq. ft. total)
Six recycling stations
6 Ãโ 144 sq. ft. (864 sq. ft. total)
For each subsequent group of 80 units, space for one recycling station must be added.
Each recycling station represents space for five 96-gallon carts and is approximately 144 sq. ft. Space for recycling stations may be distributed throughout the development, however, space for each individual station must equal 144 sq. ft. with a minimum width of 34 inches and accommodate five 96-gallon carts.
Space requirements for dumpster(s)/compactor and recycling is required to be set aside even if property owner and/or developer elects to use a private hauler for individual rollout cart service. Discipline: Solid Waste Status: Open CreatedByName: Mavis Gant CreatedDate: 3/9/2023 11:45AM LastUpdateBy: Mavis Gant LastUpdatedDate: 3/9/2023 11:45AM |