Project searches can be conducted using any of the following:
1. Project Number
2. Project Name
3. Tax Parcel Number/Address
Date ranges provided are by default. If your search returns no results, you can change the date range to include your project.
To search for a Bond record or pay a Bond Administration Fee on-line:
Enter City of Charlotte assigned bond number in Project Number box. Example: LDSDBOND-2011-00001
If you do not know your bond number you can enter a '%' and the name of the principal into the Project Name box.
Example: %Ryan Homes.
Search results will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Details can be viewed by clicking on the record and going to the record detail screen.
To view the search results on a map, please select the "Show on Map" box located on the upper-right of the list. From the map, you can click on the project tag and to see "More Info".
Project inspections are tracked under the LDGP or GRS for project area >= 1 acre, otherwise, the inspections are tracked under the INSPECTION project type. Example of project number: INSPECTION-2009-00001. For Projects created before year 2009, inspections were tracked in different related project types.