Welcome to San Leandro’s
this portal, you can search recent permit histories and building code enforcement records (for older Property Records, schedule an appointment at the Permit Center), start online applications for building permits and zoning permits/entitlements, and schedule building inspections.
Building Permits
For Building Permit submittal requirements, visit their page
for Building Fees,
Forms, & Submittal Guidelines. You can find information for Accessory
Dwelling Units (ADUs), Kitchen & Bath Remodels, Windows, Deck, PV, EV,
Pools, Water Heater & HVAC replacements, and general Residential and
Commercial permits. For Roofing, Main Panel
Upgrades, Repiping, and Sewer Lateral replacements, you can Create an
Application. For further assistance with building permits, email PermitsByEmail@SanLeandro.org or
visit the Building
Division page.
Planning (Zoning & Entitlements) Applications
For more information on zoning permits, such as Conditional Use Permits, Site Plan Review, and Administrative Review, visit the Planning Application, Checklists, Forms, & Fees page. For further assistance with zoning permits, email Planner@SanLeandro.org or visit
the Planning Division
Engineering Permits
For work in the public right-of-way, such as Encroachment
and Grading, email ETPermits@SanLeandro.org, or visit the "Permits" link in the Engineering and Transportation page.