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Search for Cannabis Permits

Enter information below to search the County's permitting database. Permits can be searched for by entering any of the following information:
        â€¢ Site Address
        â€¢ Permit Information
Use the dropdown menu to change the Search type.

NOTE:  Our permitting numbers are generally structured as follows:
  • Two digit calendar year + three letter prefix of the case type  with a dash at the end (e.g. 23CUP-);
  • Five digit sequence number at the end (e.g. 00001).
  • Permit number should look like this 23CUP-00001.

Applications submitted prior to 1/1/2023 also includes five capital letter Os in the middle with dashes on each end (e.g. 22CUP-OOOOO-00001).  Please pay close attention when searching by specific case number

General Search

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