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  Until further notice, visitors to the Division of Planning and Developmentโ€™s Service Center in City Hall Ste 477 must have an appointment. Appointments can be made by phone, 901-636-6619.

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Record MIN 2022-112

Minor Modification / Re-Recording

Record Status: Closed - Approved

A notice was added to this record on 11/29/2022.
Condition: Sensitive Drainage BasinSeverity: Notice
Total Conditions: 1  (Notice: 1)



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Processing Status

Guidance on Processing Status 

Due Date: The date the task is due date. It is set by staff and is an estimate.
Assigned to: The name of the person to whom the task is assigned. There may or may not be a specific assigned staff person assigned to the task.
Marked as 'Task Status' on '
Status Date' by "Staff/Staff Email' : The current status of the task, the effective date of the current status, and by whom the current status of the task is set

Complete - A completed task that may contain revisions required.
active - An active task.
Previously Active - A previously active task.
 - To view Comments made by Staff, click the + button.
Click the Expandto view details on the task listed. 

Right Of Way Management

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