Welcome to Community Development's Online Services
We are pleased to offer our citizens, businesses, and visitors access to government services online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Solar permits (structural and electrical) must be submitted together in person at the Permit Center or physically mailed in. Applications submitted online will not be accepted.
Beginning July 1, 2019, the City of Tigard will implement a 3% service fee charge for processing debit/credit cards. This service fee will initially be charged at the Permit Center (both at the counter and online).
If a customer wishes to avoid paying the 3% service fee, they may pay by cash or check in person at the counter or with an e-check online.
With this service, you can:
Submit code violation complaint. To view or print instructions Click Here.
Apply for specific building permits*.
Search permit or complaint records.
Pay permit or application fees.
Schedule inspections. To schedule inspections Click Here.
To view or print instructions Click Here.
*Only valid licensed professionals may register for a user account and apply for specific electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits at this time. If you have a valid license, please register for an account, or login if you are already registered to take advantage of the additional services offered to you through this site.
For assistance with online services, contact the Building Permit Technicians at 503-718-2439.
We trust this will provide you with a higher level of service that makes living and working in our community a more enjoyable experience.
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