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Record 2023-003406ENV

Environmental (ENV)

Record Status: Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued

Expiration Date: 01/31/2023


For Documents:
1. Select the record of interest *
2. Click Record Info
3. Select Attachments

* To list project records, click on Record Info and select Related Records.

Documents available online do not represent the full administrative record.  To review the complete file for active records, please contact the assigned planner. To review closed records, please request the record via email at


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Please add attachments below per application instructions.
The maximum file size allowed is 150 MB.
ade;adp;bat;chm;cmd;com;cpl;exe;hta;htm;html;ins;isp;jar;js;jse;lib;lnk;mde;mht;mhtml;msc;msp;mst;php;pif;scr;sct;shb;sys;vb;vbe;vbs;vxd;wsc;wsf;wsh are disallowed file types to upload.

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Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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